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Corporate Social Initiatives

We are passionate about giving back to assist our amazing South African communities

Social Responsibility

Shwe-Shwe Poppis Initiative
The Shwe Shwe Poppis Co-operative Project is a community-based doll production project in Soweto which provides beneficiaries with skills and a sustainable income. The dolls are adapted from drawings made by children at the Zola crèche. Dolls are sold locally through accredited dealers and internationally throughout the EU and the US.

We have assisted the Project as a trustee in an honorary capacity.

Tax Consultancy

We offer Advisory, Specialised Compliance and Dispute Resolution services.

Exchange Control

Inbound and Outbound Foreign Investment, Relocation and Regularisation services.

Special Projects

Transaction Facilitation and Entertainment services.

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About Zeridium

Block 4
Fountain Grove
5 Second Road (Cnr William Nicol Drive)
Hyde Park
South Africa

T: +27 (0)11 502 8860
F: +27 (0)11 880 0724